Saturday, August 22, 2009

So I decided to try this blogging out....see if I still remember how to write! So today is Saturdayand like all other days, my 3 year old son wakes me up before I feel like waking up!

Thankfully he was perfectly happy to play with his toys so that I could spend plenty of time in the presence of our Lord! Something I cannot seem to get enough of lately.....I also had four hours while he was napping in the afternoon! Wow! I feel great today, didn't get much done but.....

I did mow part of the yard with our "Amish" mower (no motor, push mower) Takes hours to mow all our yard with that thing but, the other mower is broken and part is stilllll not in!! Been broken for six weeks now. :( Patience woman... I will just pretend that it has helped me lose ten pounds and I have preserved gallons of whatchamacallit from the ozone!

So today I am wondering, does anyone else have a problem with saying the word no? I have this friend who seems unable to do anything three boxes of tomatoes canned into juice..and then to top it all off she is forever insulting me by saying I have nothing to do! What is up with that??!! And I continue to be a pushover and run to her rescue when she hollers.. Why, oh why, do I keep subjecting myself to this kind of abuse?

Well, I think my answer is that I am so desperate for friends that I just want to do whatever possible to feel like someone likes me...Maybe someday I will have to blog about my childhood then maybe you all will agree to my assessment of myself... Man, I hate when I hate myself!

No, no talk like that, you are a child of the King!! A princess!! He has created you for a very unique purpose here on earth... Do not try to be like others or try to get everyone else to like you but focus on Gods love.. He will never, NEVER leave you or forsake you like all those earthly friends....

Okay, so now I am talking to myself and answering back! This is getting to crazy for me likings...So adois amigos!


Dawn Renee Martin said...

You know, sometimes I wonder if there is anyone who doesn't struggle with loving themselves! It seems like everyone I talk to has struggled with that, and some who act so macho and confident! It seems to me like it's one of Satan's best tools to bring a person down, to make them believe they are of no value and then we start acting like we are not valued! It's hard to always believe we are a princess, but it's true that we are!

Dawn Renee Martin said...

You know I wonder if there is anyone out there who has not struggled with loving themselves! Seems even those who act macho and confident have at one point in their life struggled with that. It's hard to always have in mind that we are princesses and that we are valued. But it's true. I think one of Satan's favorite ways to bring us down is to make us believe we are worthless. I think it's an ongoing battle for most, not just once and done.

Unknown said...

Hey You!

I am so glad you got a blog!!! I love my blogger. :) It is a good way to get everything off of your chest. :) IN A HEALTHY WAY! ;)

You are my friend. :) I want you to know that.... you don't have to help me can anything.... ;)


Rae Nolt said...

Sweet! I found you! :)

Child of the King said...

Haha, Beka! It isn't that i dont want to help's the fact that she insults me about it!! I love helping out friends, thats what they are for..:) I would gladly help you out... (as long as you keep the sarcasm out! Ha!) I love you all too...