Tuesday, August 25, 2009


So today I am at one of Brent's adopted 'Grandma's'.

We were baking whoopie pies all morning. Then around lunch we went outside to do tomatoes so we could watch the backhoe dig up the driveway.

While out there I suddenly had a 'Sonstroke'.

Ever experience them?

It happened a bit like this;
As we were cutting tomatoes, I suddenly sliced my palm with the knife (something I find quite easy).

Well,, having to run in for a bandage I laid down my knife. Upon my return I saw my little snicklefritz using it to cut HIS tomatoe.

I yelled, "Put that back, you will get hurt!"

"No, Mom, I not hurt. I can do it myself!"

As he was barely finished saying it he suddenly started to scream and dance in circles. I knew immediately what he had done.

After cleaning it up and putting a bandaid on and lots of hugs and talking, we finally went back out. He was not about to go anywhere near the knives now!

As I picked up my knife to return to work I was struck by a thought;
How many times do I as a human say to God, "See I am fine. I can do it myself. I am not getting hurt."?

How often do I complain or kick against the 'pricks' that come in my way? Shouldn't my focus be instead on, Lord what is it you are trying to teach me with this trial, etc.?

How often do I ignore the admonition of the Father and end up getting hurt?

Too many times!! I am now 'suffering' from Sonstroke and hope that I may learn a lesson from it!

By the way, I love this blogging idea! I can come back and read this lesson over and over!!

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