Sunday, November 22, 2009

Another round of things I am thankful for..........

#1. A pastor who loves the Lord with all his heart and preaches the truth!
#2. The freedom to worship the Lord.
#3. Being allowed to read the Bible and not have to hide it from authorities.
#4. A church family who cares for others.
#5. Blankets to keep us warm. :)
#6. Our forefathers who set up the freedom in our country.
#7. Good Christian books that help to encourage us and edify us in our walk with God.
#8. Friends who tell it like it is! (preferrably nicely though) LOL
#9. Prayer!! So important!
#10. Radio stations that are God-focused.
#11. Artists who praise God in song!
#12. The mailman for delivering my mail faithfully and regularly!
#13. All the behind the scenes people who help to make this world what it is!
#14. My mother who has quietly tried to teach me right from wrong.
#15. My father who has been the provider and leader in our childhood home.
#16. Cindy Wendland, who has many of the same trials that I do and has been such an encouragement to me by remaining strong in her faith after all these years of suffering!! Thank you Cindy!
#17. For Sharon Martin who has been a friend even when I was not a good friend! Love you!
#18. And of course all the people who are there to encourage me just when I think I am going to quit!
#19. For my son Brent who is healthy!
#20. For all the future children that I am BELIEVING God will send my way someday!
#21. For jobs that provide income to pay bills.
#22. For neighbors who are there for you when you need them.
#23. For hot water heaters, no more waiting till you got enough water boiled to fill a tub! I have done that for a few of my married years! Manageable but you cannot imagine :)
#24. For the pastors wife, Dixie, who is a real blessing to so many people! You have helped me so much already! Love you!
#25. For inventors who have invented things that make our life a bit more comfortable! Things we now seem to think we can no longer live without :)
#26. For food on the table.
#27. A roof over our heads, even if it leaks at times :S it is still better then none! :)
#28. For gasoline, even when the price tag hurts. If you do not like it GET A HORSE for crying out loud! :)
#29. I think I am going to mention God again! He is just so wonderful, He provides for us, cares for us, leads us in the paths of righteousness, strengthens us and the list goes on and on!
#30. For those who are willing to lay down their very lives and their childrens lives when persecuted for their faith! What a testimony! We live in such a free country, how would we respond if asked to denounce God or lose our lives or those of our children?
#31. Again for the freedom to live our lives for God. How are you serving Him?

Ok, my mind is again drawing a blank so I will try again another day!

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